Monday, September 15, 2014

Pink or Blue?

Reality is really starting to set in that we will have a newborn next month (fingers crossed).  I'm starting to really wonder if it's a boy or girl. From the beginning when we ask Charlotte if she will have a baby brother or sister she says "sister" 95% of the time. Dan is dead set that it's a girl and I'm pretty set that it's a boy. This pregnancy has been almost the same as Charlotte's. People tell me all the time that I'm carrying really high, but I think it's because I'm short and I have a huge baby in me. I'm 5'3" and Dan is 6'8" this baby be little though. Charlotte was born at 37 weeks and weighed 7 lbs 15 oz. So I thought it would be fun to put together a list of old wives tales to see how true they are when Baby T does get here.

1)  Rumor has it that if you are carrying your baby high, it's a girl. Carrying low? Stock up on blue. 
--I'm carrying high

2)  Legends say that if you are having a little girl, she'll steal your beauty. So, if you've got acne and other not-so-pretty skin blemishes, you've got a little princess coming your way. 
--Clear skin over here!

3)  The Ring Test: take off your wedding ring, tie it to a piece of string, and hang it over your belly. If it swings in a circle, you are promised a boy; back and forth indicates a girl.
--Goes back and forth!

4)  Your baby's heart rate might be an indicator of its gender. If your little one's heart rate is under 140 beats per minute, you're having a little boy. If it's over, get ready for your little girl!
--High heart rate every time

5)  Craving sweets? According to some, that means your going to have a little girl. Salty and sour cravings indicate a boy.
--Mostly salty (cheez its in moderation) 

6)  Morning sickness means pink. If you're stricken with a queasy stomach during your first trimester, think ribbons and bows. If you sail through your pregnancy with nary an upset stomach, it's blue all the way. 
--no morning sickness, thankfully

So basically, all these signs point to boy. Only a short period of time before we find out!  I did have a dream that I gave birth to a 10 lb Hispanic baby boy with a full head of black hair. That would be shocking!

Here is me at 32 weeks with Charlotte (left) and now (right).
 I think I look SO much bigger than last time even though I started out about 25 lbs lighter this time. It's really crazy how big you can get....(insert big eyed emoticon here).

Here are some pics of Miss C just because she is cute.
First day of School. It's going really well so far too!
Hi, 5 year old...
Making banana bread over the weekend. She won't eat it but loves to help!
So what do you think, boy or girl??

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