Thursday, March 15, 2012

3 Months!

Today Charlotte is a quarter of a year old! I can't even believe that three months have passed since our little miss was born. I know I will say that every month. This month has brought on so many changes. Charlotte smiles ALL the time. She is so happy all day and is cooing and squealing so much. Now when I smile at her she gives me the biggest, gummiest grin back. It melts my heart. When Dan and I go to wake her up in the morning she opens her eyes and gives us a huge smile. It is a great way to start the day.

She is sleeping almost 12 hours every night and has been for about a month now. We put her to bed around 8 pm and wake her up about 7:30 am. Eventually I want to get her up at 7 so we can be out the door by 8. We will see how that goes. She gets fussy at 7:15 every night because she is tired. I think she enjoys sleeping just as much as her mom does! What I would give to sleep 12 hours every night!

Charlotte's little personality is coming through every day. She still loves music and will kick her legs and wave her arms when music is playing. Her legs are so strong when she is laying in my lap I have to hold onto her because she could kick so hard she could fall off. We are still mastering the Bumbo but I think she is almost strong enough to sit in it. She can hold her head up pretty good and is almost ready to be held on my hip.

When I go to take pictures of Charlotte she is normally all smiles until the camera comes out. I guess she is a little camera shy. Here was our first pic.
Then I got this.
And this.Then when I put the camera away all smiles again.

This next month is going to fly with preparing to move and actually moving. Having Charlotte makes us slow down big time and relax at night with her until her bed time. Then it's packing and preparing for the next day. I have learned to appreciate the weekends so much more now. We get two full days with her and we try to soak in all of our Charlotte time on the weekends. The weather is beautiful and we are trying to be outside a lot before the hot summer comes.

Happy 3 months to my smiley 3 month old! Hopefully I can catch some more smiles on camera soon!

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